
Posts Tagged ‘books’

Four years of Erlang blogging!

September 12, 2013 Leave a comment

Hello! September 2013 has come and here I am once more to give you some information about another year of Erlang blogging 😀

Would you like to know something more about what I posted in this blog during 2013? Are you sure? Well, just keep on reading!

I can’t recall every single post I wrote this year, so I have to ad lib during this summary.

Since I noticed that you readers appreciate my interviews to famous Erlangers I kept on writing this kind of posts. I think nobody will be offended if I say that two of my favourite interviews this year were the one to Kenji Rikitake and the one to Steve Vinoski. I obviously want to thank all the others Erlangers that accepted my request for an interview and I hope that you had the chance to read at least some of their inspiring ideas and thoughts!

As promised during 2012 I tried to transform this blog into a space where Erlangers can get useful information about Erlang projects, events and books. In this sense I had the opportunity to write my impressions about the bookLearn You Some Erlang(thanks No Starch Press) and my thoughts about “Erlang by example with Cesarini and Thompson” (thanks to O’Reilly).

I also promoted Erlang Conferences all around the world and I hope that many of you attended the  EUC2013 or the recent Erlang Camp in Amsterdam (or the one that will be held soon in Nashville!).

Some posts were as usually  more technical, in this sense I enjoyed very much writing the one about TDD and kata, the one about the cost in terms of time you have in your supervisor when spawning multiple gen_servers. I also liked sharing with you the most interesting Erlang articles I read online lately in my recent post.

That all! As always I want to thank all you guys for your support and patience. Hope you will keep on following my blog during these last months of 2013 and during 2014! Have a nice Erlang year!

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